Wednesday, October 3, 2012

no workout makes for a lousy mood

unbelievable. after months of getting on track and improving my workouts and trying to learn how to run, i hurt my knee. here we are week 3 of no running, just constant stretching. I'm getting cabin fucking fever. i couldn't get a doctors appointment to see an ortho guy till next friday morning. i see these girls running out on the street and it makes me sick. i haven't gained weight, i mean my clothes don't fit quite right but i feel weak, and lazy. everything about a knee injury truly sucks because even when i try to do some pilates, it hurts for the next three days.

i registered for a run in november and i am optimistically hoping that i'll be able to do it. on top of all that, i'm so tired, and in such a crap mood. not always, but generally i'm just in a funk. i don't like being in a funk, and i suppose i can try to control it, but i'd rather just let the funk make its way out of my system. i know it'll pass, it's just because i can't workout the way i want to. even my headaches have been coming back with a vengeance and i really believe it's all because of the lack of working out. alas, i'm just waiting till i see a doctor and hope that it's an easy fix- i'm trying my best to not let the natural pessimist work its way through my psyche and stay positive about everything but i'm being a little anxious. we shall see what happens after october 12th.

i never thought i'd be upset that i couldn't work out- but i guess it was bound to happen at some point. at the very least, i know what to do when i can workout again. here's hoping.

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