Monday, March 19, 2012

bitch please...

you ever wonder how phrases become apart of your everyday vernacular? your friends, that's how. "bitch please" is just one of many phrases that has made it's way into my everyday words and phrases. it's the newest addition. also, its one of the funniest. it's not just funny because of the women with whom it originates from, because they are all fucking hysterical, but, the way in which they, and now i use, "bitch, please", puts us into a fit of laughter. "bitch please" can and is used for a variety of reasons; in exchange for an "excuse me", "watch it!", "fuck-off", "c'mon", "seriously?", "no way!", "of course", "absolutely", and just in sheer agreement with one another. use it in addition to the word PERIOD with the motion of making a PERIOD in the air, and you've got a few idiotic looking women laughing and shouting "bitch please, PERIOD" for what seems like, no good reason. 

"what?" with and extended "-at" sound is courtesy of another friend, as well as "wicked", "really?", and a personal favorite, "just the tip". 

"just the tip" fits almost anywhere, even when you think it doesn't. seriously, tomorrow, try it when someone doesn't suspect it, or when you hear the word, "tip", say, "just the tip?" it can sound so dirty, but yet not be dirty at all. simply fabulous, i tell you.

i love having conversations with certain friends, you can always tell who you have been hanging out with most recently just by which phrases you have been using... PERIOD. 



  1. Last time I tried to use that phrase I was in the hospital for a week... guess I should have been more careful about who I used it on...

    1. definitely try to watch who you use it on... ha, i'm sure to punch you in the face if i didn't know you.
