Friday, March 14, 2014


Originally, I had written a super long post about surprising news I had received last week, however, after reading and rereading the post I have made the decision to not share based on a variety of reasons.

My first reason for trepidation of publishing the post is that I wouldn't want anyone to read it and think that I am judging, because I do not regard myself as a judgmental person, however, as I was reading the post I could easily imagine someone who doesn't know me, or my family themselves reading it and thinking that I am judging specific decisions. Listen, you do what you've got to do in this life; raise your kids the way you want, deem necessary and appropriate; but when you ask my opinion or invite me into your life as a practicing member, you can no longer become angry when I provide you with my honest feelings.

Secondly, I didn't want to open myself up to outside criticism of my family. It's my family and I can say what I want about my family. Don't think for one second that you have earned the right as an outsider to criticize my families choices, even if I invite you in. I become fiercely loyal and can appreciate someone empathizing or agreeing with me and my feelings but I cannot condone any sort of openly judgmental or critical opinions about them. They aren't perfect, but they are mine. I can call them names, but you can't. I'm sure you can all relate to that fierceness.

With all this being said, I wish nothing but the best for my family and friends, i need to remind myself that I cannot rationalize (in my opinion) irrational behavior, and I have to remember that none of it directly effects me, and I have my own problems to contend with.

I'll simply leave it at that.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it helps me just to write it, even if you cannot share it with the internet. I have deleted half-written drafts before for that very reason.
