Thursday, March 27, 2014

3rd post's a charm.

I had written 2 posts prior to writing this one, but decided that this particular post was going to be published. The first post was mostly about how unmotivated I was, so unmotivated that I changed into my running clothes, and ended up going food shopping in them. The next attempted post was about how I still hadn't lost any weight, and wasn't having any good workouts, and feeling like total garbage.

I have registered for 2 Triathlons so far, one on April and one in June. I'm looking at one for September, but I'm a little hesitant because of the distance from my home, and the distances within the race. One of my favorite people has also "talked" me into doing a a half marathon in October with her and her husband; I knew I wouldn't be ready for a half-marathon in May, but I think I can survive one in October. I even (easily) convinced a friend of mine from college to run it too, she just did her first half earlier this month, so she seemed down. I guess I just need a reason to work out, it can't be for losing weight, because that's a dead end street.

I started swimming and riding last weekend, and my ass still hurts from my bike seat. Today's swim was actually a good feeling one, I didn't do much, but I felt better during my swim than I did on my horrible afternoon run.

I haven't been in a very good mood for the last few days, it might even be a week. I have limited patience for people; not just people I dislike, but also people I love, (RB and my parents seem to be the only exceptions), I even snapped at someone at work yesterday; she kind of deserved it. I had a few bad, and weird dreams, which sets me off, I've had a few conversations with alpha males that have aggravated me; I'm aware that I shouldn't get annoyed, it shouldn't get under my skin, but it did. The kids at school have been ridiculously annoying, and I hate to say it, but I want to just simply smack them. The month itself for work has been pretty intense with an overload of after school meetings and paperwork, which doesn't help in keeping me in good spirits. It is what it is I suppose.

As for the rest of my time, I recently went to the doctor, and she told me I was in great shape, healthy, and looking good. That was good to hear, and know that all the working out is at least doing something productive. RB is doing good too! I'm super proud of him, he decided to get prepared foods to help him try to loose weight and kickstart a healthier lifestyle- he's lost 9 lbs in 2 weeks! I'm super proud of him, and I hope he continues to do well, I just wish I wasn't eating dinner by myself every night.

So, the long and the short of this post is simple updates, I suppose.
Some posts to look forward to: Jimmy Fallon, "Bad Words" and Easter/Passover April VACATION...

wahoo for spring!


  1. This never-ending winter doesn't help any of these things. I hope April vacation helps rejuvenate you!

    1. You couldn't be more right! This 6 month winter is for the birds. C'mon spring, I can smell you; you're so close.
