Thursday, December 22, 2011

how to find stupid people without even trying...

i'm not the brightest person you'll ever meet, but i'm certainly not the dumbest. at least i hope i'm not. i'm educated, both worldly and scholarly. that isn't to say that because i have degrees i'm smarter than those that don't, or that because i grew up in "the big city", i'm more intelligent than your suburban human. i'm just saying that i'm not some idiot out there in the world.

there are pet peeves of mine that really get me fired up. some are pretty small and simply just scratch at the surface. some are catastrophic; when they occur i'm a monster. i can admit these things because i have this innate sense of self-awareness (almost to a fault). with all that being said, the stresses of holidays have hit people like a ton of bricks. i take care of my tasks in stride and try not to add to my already stressful existence. but stupidity exists, and i find stupid people without even trying.

if you ever want to find stupid people here's the easiest way how: go out. simply leave your home, or go on facebook, watch tv, or "surf" the Internet and right there clear as day, there they are. staring at you in the face. no joke. assholes, driving straight down the middle of a two way street, you are practically sideswiping cars just to pass them as they honk, flipping you the finger during the giving holiday season. driving well below the speed limit in the left lane, and as you graciously go around them they speed up, again flipping the bird not allowing you enough room to get in front of their slow moving selves.

now, you wonder why i have aggression issues, this is why, drivers who drive slow, down the middle of the block, who run four way fucking stop signs and then honk me. people who jump red lights, almost smashing into my car, cutting lines, cutting across 2, 3, 4 lanes of traffic, therefore creating more traffic. women who drive ENORMOUS SUV's and can't see around their vehicles, and take up 2 parking spots in small parking lots. people who leave carts 2 spaces over from the cart return area. i was in almost 3 car accidents, none of which would have been my fault, 4 miles from my apartment, all because of the way people are driving on the phone, or parked like assholes, or simply not focusing on the task at hand.

people who complain about everything in the world, particularly things they have total control over, but are just perpetual complainers, and like to whine. if you don't like something about your life, change it. say something, do something, act. otherwise leave me alone. i don't feel bad for you. i don't empathize, sympathize, i've got my own shit to contend with, and i don't ask you to do anything but listen every once in a while if you are a dear and close friend. if you aren't then you don't know the inner workings of my existence, and you wouldn't know a daily frustration. if you did, i fix it, i do a kart-wheel, i talk to someone that might be able to help, i don't wallow. suck it up already. teenagers act that way, not grown people. go away, you're harshing my mellow; and during the holidays!

its so aggravating. i should stay home. and when i do i have the idiots that make millions on "reality" tv that isn't reality at all. and we as a society watch it. we have our guilty pleasures, i'm not immune, but how many shows do i need to see about people selling their shit in a pawn shop?

it doesn't stop there. nope. then we have our social network. the all impressive facebook. or as i call it- the devil. it's the devil. here's why. i'm grateful to reconnect with people that i cannot see all the time, and family. then there are those friend collectors, you know exactly who i am talking about. then of course the other people who you can't get rid of because they are friends with someone who you are friends with and that might get funny or weird/awkward. then there's the people you want to delete but they are related to you but you could care less about what they are updating about or posting. i know it sounds terrible, but i don't care that your wife is pregnant again, or that you kid shit on the potty, or that its snowing in africa blah blah blah. RB says i need to remember that facebook isn't real, and most of those people aren't really my friends and i shouldn't let it bother me, but it does. those of you who bother to read this blog know EXACTLY what i am talking about. i know you can relate and whether you admit it to me, or anyone else, you know its true. you'd love to delete 50% of those people on your "friends" list but you just don't for numerous reasons.

its like life. to be perfectly honest. if i could, i would delete (not kill, hurt or disfigure), just remove from my life, because they are too much work, and although i'm only 30 years old, i'm too tired for so much work. if you're my friend, you shouldn't be that much work. life is hard enough without "friends" adding to the mix.

this sounds like one big complaint but in reality its just a list of stupidity that found me on one day. honest, it was like a marathon of a day. i was happy to see the 23rd come. it was a good day, traffic and all. a little less stupidity found me on the 23rd, a lot more laughter found me instead.

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